This Western Desert artwork depicts the natural landscape around Nyirrpi, a small Warlpiri community (originally an outstation) about 160 km west of Yuendumu in the Northern Territory. About 200 people live in Nyirrpi today. The bush around Nyirrpi features plenty of ‘watiya’ (trees), ‘marna’ (grass), ‘kuyu’ (animals) to hunt, and ‘miyi’ (edible plants) to gather.
There are a number of beautiful natural features close to Nyirrpi, including sandhills, soakages, and Karrku (Mt. Stanley), a large flat-topped hill that is an important source of red ochre used during ceremonies. There are also a number of small outstations around Nyirrpi. These include Wayililinpa, Yinjirimardi, Karrinyarra (Mt. Wedge), Nginyirripalangu, and many more.