Lee was born in 1958 in Yuendumu, a remote Aboriginal community 290 km north-west of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory of Australia. She lived most of her life in Yuendumu, but when her husband passed away in 2003 she moved to Nyirripi, a further 160 km west of Yuendumu, where her mother still lives.

Nyirripi is her father’s country and Lee paints his Jukurrpa stories, Dreamings that relate directly to her father’s land, its features and the plants and animals that inhabit it. These stories have been passed down for millennia.   

This acrylic painting is Yankirri Jukurrpa, Emu Dreaming. The Jukurrpa tells the story of an Emu and Bush Turkey and their jealous fight over 'yakajirri" bush rains for mashing into 'kapurdu' fruit balls.

This original Aboriginal artwork will be a unique addition to your wall at home or in the office. The artwork has been painted from all directions so you can choose whether to display it vertically or horizontally.